Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy

A relationship is a space where two different worlds intersect. Partners bring their past experiences, strengths and weaknesses, dreams and expectations, and family and cultural background to this space. 

Depending on how different these two worlds are and on the partners’ skills and tools, this encounter can be less or more challenging. Various differences -religious, cultural, views on the world, life experiences, can create challenges. On top of that, every stage of the life of a couple comes with its difficulties. Sometimes everything works fine until a couple enters a new chapter in their relationship or the context of their life changes. 

couple looking on the far mountains
couple on the boat bird eye view

Sometimes something external can influence you or your loved one, but it affects what happens between you. Processing those things might be vital for the survival of the relationship. Through couples therapy, you can find a safe space to do so. It can also be crucial to improving communication, learning to understand different perspectives better, learning to listen, and to express yourself better.

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